Fly with extra legroom, an exclusive overhead bin, priority check-in, and much more.
Snacks, sandwiches, meals, and beverages to make your trip even more pleasant.
A special class with extra comfort and exclusive benefits for your international flights.
See the fare rules to reschedule to an earlier flight with peace of mind.
An exclusive lounge where you can work or relax prior to boarding.
A free bus shuttle between the airports of Congonhas (CGH) and Guarulhos (GRU), for all GOL passengers.
You can weigh, label and check your baggage yourself by using the GOL kiosk at the airport.
For your peace of mind, you can use your phone to keep tabs on your loved ones while they travel.
Control your trip from the palm of your hand, and give more life to your time.
With our on-board entertainment and Wi-Fi you’ll see how time flies by.
Hold a reservation for 48 hours and take your time deciding about your trip.
Take your pet with you to enjoy an amazing destination.
Would you like to track a flight in real time? Search by flight number of segment.
Stay up to date with all rules for checked baggage and hand luggage.
See the options available for checking in, with step by step instructions.
Check the documents you need and enjoy your trip with peace of mind.
Would you like change your flight? See the rules for cancelling, rescheduling, and requesting refunds.
Credit card, debit card, bank slip, or a funds transfer? Choose the best payment option for you.
A complete guide with all the benefits of flying with our partner airlines.
All you need to know about accruing and redeeming miles, as well as getting category upgrades.
Would you like to visit a new city before arriving at your final destination?
See all the content GOL has prepared to give you more peace of mind on your travels.
All boarding information for expectant mothers, overweight persons, people with disabilities, the elderly, and sick passengers.
Talk to GOL and ask questions about purchases, flight changes and much more.
Find the nearest GOL store or kiosk.
Check out the answers to questions about purchase, baggage, boarding and more.
Learn how to access our ethics channel, how to file a complaint and other information.
We are all responsible for the proper conduct of interpersonal relationships and for complying with and monitoring the Company's rules, standards and procedures. It is our responsibility to help create and monitor an environment of integrity. GOL encourages all members and third parties to report their concerns, doubts and suggestions to the Ethics Channel and prohibits any form of retaliation for good faith reports. GOL encourages good faith reports, even if they are only suspicions or if the reporter is unsure. It is important that you feel safe, and it is our duty to protect your anonymity by taking disciplinary action in any case that arises. The Ethics Channel is operated 24/7 by an independent and confidential third party.
Confidential line for complaints, reports and questions: 0800 800 11 01
Using the website: Your report will be received by an external and independent company that guarantees the integrity and absolute confidentiality of the reports. All investigations conducted by the Ethics Channel are forwarded to the Ethics Committee for review.
The Ethics Committee is composed of CIA executives and invited guests, and its main functions are to evaluate cases of violation of the Code of Ethics and to decide on ethical doubts and dilemmas, as well as to promote the dissemination of the Code of Ethics in the Company, to ensure the functioning of the communication channels, the confidentiality of the reports received and the protection of the reporter in good faith.
The ethical and transparent behavior of GOL's employees and stakeholders is given by the example constantly set by GOL's Senior Management, who are responsible not only for communication, but also in their attitudes.
GOL's Senior Management has the ability to incorporate the ethical values that represent the best governance practices into the attitudes of each stakeholder, through well-defined communications and values, on a daily basis.
The mission of the Corporate Risks, Compliance and Internal Controls Executive Board is to establish corporate policies and standards and to provide information that supports decision making and contributes effectively to value preservation through appropriate risk management and a robust system of internal controls. In other words, it is responsible for supporting and guiding the other areas of the company, especially those with a greater operational focus and higher risk. GOL always conducts its business in accordance with the best corporate governance practices, taking into account the highest national and international standards. Thus, we base our activities on the governance model of the three lines of defense, with areas involved in management, monitoring and support activities, through the integration of the areas of Corporate Risks, Compliance, Internal Controls and Privacy.
Rumo Certo is a dynamic program that is constantly evolving and improving and is based on the following pillars:
The GOL Way of Being and Acting is underpinned by upright and ethical behavior because we believe that ethics should permeate all of our relationships and activities. It is these attitudes and behaviors that bind us to the goal of Being First for All. In this sense, the company is committed to the anti-corruption legislation applicable to it and has adopted the Rumo Certo - Ethics and Compliance Program, which aims to promote a culture of integrity and to prevent, mitigate and respond to the risks of corruption and other internal actions that are contrary to our values.
RUMO CERTO - Ethics and Compliance operates in all areas of the company and its success depends on the commitment of all members, who must act in accordance with our values and contribute to the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure its effectiveness.
The Compliance Department is primarily responsible for managing RUMO CERTO - Ethics and Compliance. In this context, it also has the role of submitting issues related to ethics and conduct to the Ethics Committee for decision.
The Compliance Department is an independent department, made up of qualified professionals, dedicated exclusively to the coordination, development and improvement of the program, which is implemented and developed on a daily basis by all the company's departments. To ensure the necessary autonomy and independence, the Compliance function reports directly to the CEO and has direct access to the Statutory Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Sustainability Policy has been created to present the company's ESG commitments and actions, always with a view to sustainable development. For more details on this topic, please visit the Sustainability page at this link:
According to the National Transparency Portal, GOL has the following list of contract(s)/payment(s) with the Public Administration, the information is available on the following websites:
Federal Government
Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General
GOL, in its relations, is based on principles that sustain an organizational culture focused on valuing people, acting in compliance with our internal procedures and regulations and the permanent search for development. With regard to internal compliance guidelines, the company defines its expectations for action in clear and transparent internal policies and procedures and disseminates them to all those to whom they are directed.
The CIA is committed to maintaining high standards of Corporate Governance, and the Ethics Committee has the support of Senior Management to promote a culture of ethics and compliance with applicable legislation in its daily operations at all levels of the Company.
GOL has a comprehensive and transparent Code of Ethics that provides guidance on matters related to the ethics and values that govern the Company's activities. This Code applies to all members of the Company, both employees at all hierarchical levels and members of the Statutory Committees, the Fiscal Council, the Board of Directors and its shareholders, in the exercise of their functions or duties.
GOL expects these principles to be observed by all its business partners. Compliance with the Code demonstrates our commitment to professionalism and transparency in all of our professional activities.
Code of Ethics download
GOL prioritizes relationships with third parties that conduct their activities in accordance with ethical principles similar to its own. Therefore, all third parties must comply with the Third-Party Code of Conduct during their relationship with the Company.
The purpose of these guidelines is to formalize GOL's firm commitment to ethical conduct and to make public its rejection of corruption in any form. A commitment to ethical conduct and compliance mechanisms to prevent and punish deviations is an essential factor for Third Parties to maintain partnerships with GOL.
Third-Party Conduct Guidelines download
We oppose corruption in all its forms and seek to ensure the highest level of integrity and ethics in our activities. In order to clarify its commitments, concepts and major related risks, GOL has adopted an Anti-Corruption Policy, among others, as detailed below. In its Anti-Corruption Policy, the Company reiterates the prohibition of bribery and other acts harmful to public administration, such as damaging the competitive nature of a bidding process, obstructing or hindering investigations or inspections by public authorities, or using third parties to conceal their true interests in their relations with public entities.
As a Brazilian company listed in the United States, GOL is directly subject to the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12.846/13) and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the prohibited acts of which are described in the Anti-Corruption Policy.
GOL maintains the highest level of integrity and transparency in its relationships with public officials. Therefore, in order to guide our members in their relations with this type of professional, we have a Policy on Interactions with Public Agents.
In its interactions with public officials, GOL adopts a position of strict compliance with the law and reinforces the guidelines established in this policy.
The purpose of GOL's Policy on Gifts, Presents and Hospitality ("Courtesies") is to define the conditions under which courtesies may be offered/received in the course of GOL's business relationships, to explain concepts, to define limits, to draw attention to points of concern and to provide practical examples. Courtesies may be offered/received in the course of business relationships in accordance with GOL's internal policies and procedures and provided that they do not constitute or appear to constitute an improper advantage. In general, GOL members may receive gifts, entertainment or hospitality if these courtesies are:
Sponsorships and donations are support provided by the Company to initiatives with which GOL identifies. In order to ensure that this support is provided in a transparent manner and achieves the objectives for which it is intended, this policy clearly defines the guidelines and precautions required when providing this type of support to third parties. We do not make contributions to political parties and we do not allow third parties to make contributions on behalf of and/or in the interest of GOL.
GOL conducts its activities in a transparent, safe and responsible manner, free from conflicts of interest and consistent with its values.
The Conflict-of-Interest Policy defines the guidelines for avoiding situations of conflict of interest, i.e., situations in which the private interests of an individual or a related party may override the interests of the company. In this context, both GOL members and third parties are expected to report any situations of potential conflict of interest that they identify, so that these situations can be reassessed and the associated risks mitigated.
We believe in a fair and transparent marketplace, which is why we have a Related Party Transactions Policy that aims to provide transparency in these types of transactions. Related parties are those persons or entities with whom the Company has a relationship that allows them to negotiate under conditions that are not independent of those of other partners, for example, due to their business relationships.
To support this objective, GOL requires its suppliers, business partners or other third parties to inform it if they are known to be a Related Party of GOL before entering into the business relationship.
Because GOL prefers to work with third parties that conduct their activities in accordance with ethical principles similar to its own, GOL conducts due diligence on its potential suppliers, agents, business partners and other counterparties with whom it does business.
This process is carried out through research and analysis of information and documents with the aim of identifying risks related to corruption and ethical-reputational issues that may arise from the signing of contracts, partnerships or other types of associations.
For us, valuing people, complying with rules and regulations, and constantly seeking development are fundamental. That's why GOL invests in training and activities that reinforce the principles of our culture.
Our Culture of Integrity is the guiding principle of our actions and should be the basis of all our attitudes. Raising awareness of compliance issues among all members of the company is key to maintaining and developing this culture. Periodic materials will be developed to familiarize our members with compliance issues. These trainings and communications are intended to reach all GOL members, and to that end, we conduct training for everyone, regardless of position or function, including members of senior management.
With the launch of the Rumo Certo - Ethics and Compliance Program in 2018, GOL has developed a series of videos aimed at all members, so that everyone in our company is aware of the paths to take and can contribute to our culture of integrity.
The videos are divided into themes and, through a simple narrative, address issues related to compliance and provoke reflection on how we should act in our working relationships and also in society. The online training is available in Portuguese, Spanish and English in all countries where we operate. In addition to online training, face-to-face sessions are held, either at the request of the business units or when more exposed areas or compliance-sensitive processes are identified. In these cases, the presentations are given by members of the Compliance Department in a practical and interactive workshop format, allowing for an exchange with the affected areas, clarification of doubts and bringing the parties closer together.
The purpose of our communications is to reinforce relevant information, keep compliance issues present in the daily lives of team members, and translate our policies into practical examples so that everyone can identify risk situations in our daily operations and know how to act. They are held periodically and cover a variety of topics, such as when new policies are introduced, procedures are updated, or issues are identified about which members have concerns.